The field of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) is the place to be in for those who love electrical systems- ranging from heavy power generators to the smallest of micro-chips. This department infuses the design, manufacture, installation, operation and management of electrical systems that strengthen modern economies and contribute to improving the quality of life. The EEE department at KISTech prepares students in this field using new-age information and computer- intensive technologies. The B.E (E.E.E.) degree program is designed to achieve a balance between depth of knowledge acquired through specialization and breadth of knowledge gained through exploration.
Aim of Course
To create professional electrical and electronic engineers, who can serve in the fields of core electrical engineering, information and communication systems and other related fields.
Career Prospects
Studying Electrical and Electronics Engineering will lead to potential careers in the power industry, Robotics, Process industry and Bio- engineering. Career opportunities are also found in the Telecommunication industry, Mining and Transport sector, Computer industry transmission industries and small innovative private specialists.
Laboratories under Computer Science Department
- Basic Electrical Lab
- Instrumentation Lab
- Electrical Workshop
- Machine Lab
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Proven leadership, indepth, cross functional knowledge, strategic thinking, seasoned judgment...In reality, today’s education methodology is directly proportional to employment.
This impressive school building today comprises of workshops, smart classes, laboratories, a computer centre audio- visual lecture rooms, libraries, sports ground and school canteen...