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The history of imparting formal technical education in India can be traced back to mid 19th century , although it got momentum in 20th century with the set up of Constitution of Technical Education Committee of the central University Board of Education (CABE) in 1943 Preparation of Sergeant Report in 1944 and Formation of All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) in 1945.With the country gaining independence in 1947,the development of technical education had become a major concern for the government of India to face the new challenge and move the country forward. Technical Education plays a vital role in human resource development of the country by creating skilled manpower, enhancing industrial productivity and improving the quality of life .Technical Education covers courses and programmes in engineering technology, management ,architecture, town planning, pharmacy and applied arts & crafts, hotel management and careering technology .
The basic academic philosophy of Kopal Shiksha Evam Jan Vikas Samiti, Bhopal has been to provide sound higher technical professional education to prepare their product to meet the challenge in the 21st Century .The students should be equipped with theoretical knowledge, clear in their concepts and refined through the laboratory work, assignments and projects that will make them independently tackle problems in the field. The students should make full use of the computational facilities, library in achieving these tasks. Equal importance is to be given on practical training and internship with the industry, during summer vacations. Such training will be arranged for the students to give them a distinct competitive edge.
The establishment of kopal higher secondary school for providing education has indeed been a mission accomplished a dream realized trust with destiny fulfilled.
Proven leadership, indepth, cross functional knowledge, strategic thinking, seasoned judgment...In reality, today’s education methodology is directly proportional to employment.
This impressive school building today comprises of workshops, smart classes, laboratories, a computer centre audio- visual lecture rooms, libraries, sports ground and school canteen...
Our Mission
"We ld from the darkness of ignorance to the brightness of knowledge. We have taken the accountability of discovering all the potentialities in the students."
To produce the global citizens who bring glory & pride to the nation by bringing technology closer to humanity.
You are fortunate that you can utilize services of KISTech and its hi-tech infrastructure for improving your qualifications to build a magnificent career.
A progressive co- educational institution with 28 years of experience is imparting quality education and providing excellent opportunities for the overall development of your child.
Our Vision
- Provide technical education programmes to ensure that they are up to date not outmoded or obsolete & effectively fulfill the technological requirements to tomorrow.
- To educate the students with appropriate skills suitable for a rapidly changing industrial scenario.
- To maintain highest quality of teaching and research.
- To maintain liaison with industry R&D institution & Institution of higher learning of repute in India and abroad,
- To prepare the students to meet the challenges of fast moving technology with observance of ethics & to be a model Citizen of India.
Chairman's Message
“Kopal” as the name suggests stared as the sapling in the yr.1984 which graduated over the years in a developed tree. Covering a long journey of 28 yes. Throughout this span of time we shouldered the responsibility of carrying a bright future of the country and the glow, by developing a knowledge and ethic based generation.
The name of KOPAL group is established as one of the most credible and progressive name in the field of school & college education.
Director's Message
In the quest of knowledge and with A mission to empower the students in their becoming excellent human resources and to contribute meaningfully to the nation and the human society, KISTECH has acquired the status of one of the premier technological institutions of india. It offers wide range of educational programmes in the field of technology, science and management in the line of the nation’s pursuit for regaining its position in a greater domain of advancement of the human society.
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